Wednesday, 24 January 2024 13:34


In order to motivate teachers that did not participate directly in our project activities to embrace methodologies such as Game-based Learning and Gamification, we are going to create a Guidebook on the subject of our project!
This guide will serve as a complete informative tool for the introduction to Game-based Learning and Gamification techniques in teaching and as a pedagogical guide for the implementation of activities with modern educational methods for children. It is mainly addressed to teachers, lecturers and trainers in schools in primary - secondary education and of course anyone interested in the scope of our project.


Friday, 10 November 2023 15:47

Third Online Meeting

The Third Online Meeting of the "Game-based Learning and Gamification Techniques in Education" project with project number 2022-1-EL01-KA210-SCH-00084562 was held on the 7th of November 2023!
In the meeting, partners discussed about the results of the second training activity in Nicosia, Cyprus and the next steps regarding the creation of the Project's Guidebook and Lesson Plans by the teachers!


Tuesday, 31 October 2023 15:35

Second training activity of the project

The second training activity of the project as implemented in Nicosia, Cyprus, from 23 to 27 of October 2023!
During this training, particular emphasis was given to the theoretical and practical training of the participating teachers on the subject of Gamification during the first three days. Each training module covered different aspects of the use of Gamification in education. The skills and knowledge required for someone to use this technique inside the classroom were demonstrated and practiced by the participants with interactive and collaborative training activities. The last two days were dedicated to specific tasks on the creation of the training guide which will be finalized with the the implementation of the project’s activities.


Wednesday, 13 September 2023 15:33

Project Poster

What the subject of our project can have in common with Medicine education?
Tuesday, 04 July 2023 15:23

Second Online Meeting

The Second Online Meeting of the "Game-based Learning and Gamification Techniques in Education" project with project number 2022-1-EL01-KA210-SCH-00084562 was held on the 19th of June 2023!
In the meeting, partners discussed about the implementation of the first training in Foligno, Italy and the participants' experience! Also, the next steps of the project were decided.


Friday, 16 June 2023 15:19

Project's Guidebook has started

The first tasks in order to create the Project's Guidebook have started! Make sure to keep updated in the Project's Website and Social Media!!!


Monday, 29 May 2023 15:09

First Activtity of the project

The First Activtity of our project was implemented with success.
Teachers from Greece and Cyprus travelled to Italy, where together with Italian teachers they were trained in Game-based Learning activities for education!
The group worked together in many actions and gained significant knowledge on the subject of the training that is going to be used for the lesson plans they will created for the Guidebook of the project, which is our main output!
In the pictures you can see moments of the teachers' experience!!!


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